Author Archives: rrtguy
Complex Respiratory Therapy Intervention for Nursing Homes

Aeris Consulting is a nationwide medical consulting service firm specializing in complex respiratory therapy intervention for nursing homes. When your facility needs assistance in the form of skilled on-call therapists, additional educational programs, patient assessments or respiratory equipment, we are here to help. Our goal is to provide the services you need…to reduce your overhead costs, have the staff and equipment on hand to admit patients, and operate your facility efficiently and profitably.
The nursing home business, as you surely know, is wildly unpredictable, and care facilities must be prepared for not only the amount of patients they will be caring for, but also for downturns in patient check-ins and keeping payroll manageable. Aeris Consulting offers the best solutions, for staffing, patient care, and respiratory equipment, and we help ensure that you’re prepared for increases and decreases in patient numbers.
The Importance of Complex Respiratory Therapy Intervention in Nursing Homes
As our president Edwin Frost was recently quoted in a Skilled Nursing News article regarding the PDPM payment model (you can read the article here), the need for nursing facilities to take in sicker patients is growing due to fewer long term care hospitals, and so is the need for nursing homes to be able to care for such patients.
As nursing homes become more skilled in complex respiratory cases, they are able to achieve higher reimbursement costs, especially if they are able to reduce re-admissions. As your facility reduces re-admissions, your facility’s marketability and overall reputation improves, and with that comes increased profitability.
Aeris Consulting can ensure that your nursing home can provide complex respiratory care for your patients at any level of their needs, and that your staff can meet the demand. We provide your facility with licensed respiratory therapists for patient monitoring and assessments, along with fully staffed pulmonary programs. If you need temporary staff to handle increasing numbers of patients, we can provide on-call caregivers for 13- and 26-week assignments.
We also help manage respiratory equipment, with periodic inspections, repairs, and maintenance of oxygen concentrators and other equipment to keep your facility compliant with both federal and your state and regional regulations. Ensuring that you have the equipment and supplies on hand to meet the demand is just as important as having sufficient staffing. Find out more about our equipment sales and rentals here, including the types of equipment we can procure for your facility.
To ensure that you have the staff and equipment to handle your existing patients and admit new ones, reach out to Aeris Consulting. Wherever your facility is in the United States, we provide for all of your needs regarding complex respiratory therapy intervention for nursing homes. We’ll help you offer the quality care your patients deserve, and we’ll help to grow your facility and success rate too.
Contact us today to find out more about our services and see how we can help your facility operate more efficiently, safely, and profitably.
Edwin C. Frost, RRT, has been a Registered Respiratory Therapist since 1992. He has served on the faculty at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, the Independence University of California, and many respiratory disorder clinics throughout the U.S. He is an active member of the New Jersey State Board of Respiratory Care and has successfully managed multiple long term and acute respiratory programs.
Demand For Respiratory Therapy Services Is Rising

There always has been a need for qualified respiratory therapists, but in the current healthcare environment, demand for respiratory therapy services is rising. As a result, respiratory therapy companies are providing an important service in a field where there is significant turnover, unpredictability of need, and challenges managing the bottom line.
In a recent study cited in this article from the American Association for Respiratory Care, the Bureau of Labor Statistics states that employment of respiratory therapists from 2016 to 2026 is projected to grow by as much as 23%, much higher than average for other occupations.
As the article points out, this appears to be in contrast with a Fox Business report that stated that the #2 occupation on the list of “Fastest Disappearing Jobs In The U.S.” is “Respiratory Therapy Technician”. In fact, this is a result of a) a “Respiratory Therapy Technician” is not the same as a “Respiratory Therapist”; and b) the result of the technician designation being eliminated by the National Board for Respiratory Care in 1999.
The Actual Reason Demand For Respiratory Therapy Services Is Rising
In reality, demand for respiratory therapy services is rising as a result of an aging population in the United States. People are living longer, and as better healthcare results in fewer fatalities, aging citizens occupying nursing homes and hospitals require quality respiratory care. Nursing facilities may be required to handle more patients and residents, and need to be equipped to handle the workload and to scale up or down as needed, such as when cold seasons arrive.
Moreover, the respiratory therapist occupation requires education and skills to adapt to changing environments and equipment. Skilled respiratory therapists are an absolutely vital part of nursing homes and other healthcare institutions, to provide quality patient care.
For nursing homes, often one of the bigger challenges is to be sufficiently staffed with qualified therapists. You may be dealing with an increase in patients that is temporary, or you may be growing as a result of a strong word-of-mouth reputation.
At Aeris Consulting, one of our specialties is assisting your facility in providing top quality respiratory care. We provide temporary and supplemental staffing for 13 to 26 week assignments, or complete management of your respiratory department. As your need for qualified respiratory therapists continues to grow, we can help you achieve fixed costs, reduce your overhead, and always be staffed and ready for your patient population.
Click here to read the article regarding the growing need for respiratory therapists, and contact us today to find out how you can meet this growing need in your facility.
What is the PDPM Reimbursement Model?

As of October 1, 2019, the Patient Driven Payment Model for Skilled Nursing Facilities went into effect, as approved by the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services. What is the PDPM reimbursement model? It is a new method of classifying patients with specific respiratory needs in a Part A stay, which replaces the Resource Utilization Group, Version IV (RUG-IV) case-mix classification system. (See more about PDPM from the CMS with this link.)
RUG-IV placed patients into a therapy payment group, which determined payment classification based on volume of therapy services. As a result, skilled nursing facilities (SNFs) had an incentive to provide therapy regardless of a patient’s individual characteristics or needs. PDPM now categorizes patients into much more specific, data-driven characteristics, which in turn reduces administrative costs for providers.
The PDPM reimbursement model provides payments through six different components, five of which are case-mix adjusted for varying patient characteristics. In addition, PDPM allows for adjustments for services that do not vary by patient.
As Edwin Frost (founder of Aeris Consulting) has pointed out in this article in the Skilled Nursing News, skilled nursing facilities have been taking on sicker patients with more complex needs, and as a result, there is an increased opportunity for profitability with PDPM.
With the new model, nursing facilities receive credit for caring for patients with more complex cases, while in the past this was a cost of doing business. Frost points out in the article that the increased reimbursement potential can be as much as $1,200 to $1,800 per week.
The measure is intended to reduce costly hospital readmissions, which are often a result of unchecked and untreated respiratory conditions. Interventions from a respiratory therapist can prevent trips to the hospital, and a skilled nursing facility’s marketability begins to improve.
Implications of the PDPM Reimbursement Model
The PDPM reimbursement model requires at least 15 minutes of face time between therapists and patients each day, and a skilled nursing facility must document the patient’s condition during a look back period. Through PDPM, outsourced respiratory therapy becomes much more attractive and profitable for nursing facilities.
Find out more detailed answers to the question: What is the PDPM reimbursement model? Reach out to Aeris Consulting today to learn more about what this means for your facility in the future. Aeris Consulting offers a variety of other services to meet your facility’s needs as well, including temporary staffing, as-needed consults, equipment sales and rentals and much more. We’re here to help your nursing care facility be efficient, safe, and profitable.
Want to see more news items and updates that benefit nursing homes and care providers? Be sure to follow Aeris Consulting on Facebook!
Edwin C. Frost, RRT, is the owner of Aeris Consulting & Management. He is a full service respiratory care provider. He has been a Registered Respiratory Therapist since1992. His area of expertise is hospital and health care services. He has served as the National Director of Operations for 23 sleep related breathing disorder clinics throughout the United States. Mr. Frost is an active member of the New Jersey State Board of Respiratory Care.
Aeris Now Offers PPE Supplies in Bulk
In an effort to keep our clients safe, Aeris is offering PPE supplies in bulk to facilities we work with. Aeris is dedicated to providing large quantities of personal protective equipment to medical offices, skilled nursing facilities and surgical centers throughout the United States.
Our team sources top quality PPE products from around the world and warehouses them for direct distribution to medical facilities. Our parent company has contracts with over 100 facilities nationwide to provide respiratory supplies and PPE on a regular basis.
Take no chances and click here to contact the Aeris staff today for PPE supplies. We hope to help you move forward safely.
Wound Therapy for Prisons

Wound therapy for prisons and correctional facilities is one of the many services we provide at Aeris Consulting. Our team provides staffing and equipment to prisons throughout the country, and we assist them in reducing risks to inmates and employees, and saving on costs. With Aeris on your team, you’ll be able to cut costs and provide needed health care, while staying within your financial constraints.
Why Proper Wound Care Is Important
Wound therapy in correctional facilities is often not done properly – inmates often are victims of assaults and self-inflicted wounds, and the risk of infection in a prison environment is high. Inmates have lower limb ulcerations and self-inflicted wounds at a much higher rate than the general population. With lacerations, burns and stab wounds common in correctional facilities, this increases the risk of infection as well.
It’s often the case that a wound care specialist should be on staff to provide proper treatments, cleansing of wounds, and instructional healing services. Wound dressings need to be changed frequently, and occasionally antibiotic therapy may be needed.
Wherever there is an opportunity to cut costs, operators of correctional facilities need to examine possibilities. The cost of transporting an inmate to a hospital or an emergency room, and the cost of hospitalization, is a strain on prison budgets that are already tight to begin with. Handling wound care properly on site helps significantly cut costs.
In addition, being able to properly diagnose and treat an inmate’s wounds quickly can save them from more costly therapies and prevent more serious infections. Wound therapy within a facility also reduces risks to employees and liabilities to municipalities.
At Aeris, we work to provide the highest level of patient care. We also perform needed care within a location to reduce expenses whenever possible. Our staff works with each individual facility to provide quality, cost-effective solutions. We recognize that every prison has specific needs, and we can adapt our services accordingly. Our goal is provide quality care in your facility while managing your expenses.
Aeris’s Services of Wound Therapy for Prisons
Our wound therapy for prisons and correctional facilities includes:
- Staff education for each type of facility
- Equipment sales and rental
- Quality trained healthcare practitioners
- Flexibility to work anywhere in the U.S.
- Same day delivery of needed medical equipment
- In-house consignment programs
We offer a wide range of educational programs, RT staffing and technology to clients throughout the country. As specialists in the provision and management of all components used in the practice of respiratory care, we provide your facility with an “unbranded” respiratory care team designed to meet your facilities goals.
In addition to wound therapy, Aeris Consulting provides additional medical consulting services for prisons. Our services include sleep apnea testing and cardiac care. If you’d like to learn more about wound therapy for prisons and specific services that Aeris can provide your facility, contact us using this form. An Aeris representative will get back to you shortly.
Aeris Now Offers PPE Supplies in Bulk
In an effort to keep our clients safe, Aeris is offering PPE supplies in bulk to facilities we work with. Aeris is dedicated to providing large quantities of personal protective equipment to medical offices, skilled nursing facilities and surgical centers throughout the United States.
Our team sources top quality PPE products from around the world and warehouses them for direct distribution to medical facilities. Our parent company has contracts with over 100 facilities nationwide to provide respiratory supplies and PPE on a regular basis.
Take no chances and click here to contact the Aeris staff today for PPE supplies. We hope to help you move forward safely.
Why You Should Outsource Your Respiratory Therapy Department

The team at Aeris Consulting & Management proves the positives as to why you should outsource your respiratory therapy department. Aeris is a top healthcare provider that specializes in respiratory and sleep care for healthcare facilities (skilled nursing facilities, subacute rehabilitation facilities) as well as correctional facilities.
With healthcare facilities and correctional facilities, there is often no way to predict demand, and facility owners and operators often need to be able to respond to unexpected growth in number of patients and the need for staffing and equipment. In order to stay profitable, your facility needs to be able to handle needs at all times, and be able to summon temporary staff or new supplies at a moment’s notice.
Flexibility is tremendously important in this industry, and outsourcing your respiratory care allows you to choose a provider that can adapt and change their services to suit your ever-changing needs. With a full time staff on hand, your facility could have trouble meeting demand. Furthermore, you could be overpaying for idle staff when demand is less than great.
At Aeris Consulting & Management, we have a large selection of the tools your facility needs for your patients to receive their respiratory needs. From educational programs, Respiratory Therapist staffing, and technology made available to clients throughout the country, Aeris Consulting & Management covers it all.
Outsource Your Respiratory Therapy Department: Our Services
Serving over 100 contracted facilities across the country, Aeris Consulting & Management provides:
- Post acute respiratory care
- Acute care consulting,
- In facility sleep and holter testing
- Disposable supplies
Patients with respiratory issues rely on their healthcare provider to assist them in all issues concerning breathing. If you’re a healthcare provider, that gives you a major responsibility that literally affects the day to day quality of other lives. Ridding your worries of liabilities and serious health scares is exactly why you should outsource your respiratory therapy department. Having a staff of people who are trained and specialize in such matters can help relieve you of staffing burdens and keep your nursing care facility profitable.
Comfort, convenience, and care are always at the forefront of the minds of providers. Aeris Consulting & Management uses proven systems and staffing that can secure your responsibilities. We have the right educated minds and technicians on our team to assist in following the proper steps to health respiratory care. With such delicate devices its important to be sure that the protocol-defined maintenance is being done as thorough as patients need.
Our Outsourcing Services For Nursing Facilities
We also provide a full variety of equipment that covers all your needs. From concentrators to ventilators and everything in between, Aeris is your first choice for equipment rentals and purchases. We offer regional same day delivery, always available, always reliable. And with our consignment programs, you’ll always know what you’ll need for your patients. Our equipment services also include inspection, repairs and maintenance of equipment already in your facility.
We make sure our tools are bio-medically inspected annually and delivered right when you need it.
Aeris provides the most cost effective:
- Auto-CPAP
- BiPAP devices
- Masks
- Tubing
- Supplies for correctional health and medical services.
At Aeris Consulting, we specialize in all aspects of respiratory care. Our services are available for both nursing home and correctional facilities throughout the United States. Find out more about our services today. See how we can make the difference for your nursing care facility… click here!
Want to to find out more about why Aeris Consulting is an easy choice to outsource your respiratory therapy department? Have a look at our News page!
Aeris Now Offers PPE Supplies in Bulk
We work to keep our clients safe during these trying times. Aeris is currently offering PPE supplies in bulk to facilities we work with. Aeris is dedicated to providing large quantities of personal protective equipment to medical offices, skilled nursing facilities and surgical centers throughout the United States.
Our team sources top quality PPE products from around the world and warehouses them for direct distribution to medical facilities. Our parent company has contracts with over 100 facilities nationwide to provide respiratory supplies and PPE on a regular basis.
Take no chances and click here to contact the Aeris staff today for PPE supplies. We hope to help you move forward safely.
Sleep Apnea Consulting for Prisons

At Aeris Consulting & Management, LLC, we provide high quality sleep apnea consulting for prisons and correctional facilities across the nation. Our staff specializes in full service respiratory and sleep care. We provide staffing of respiratory therapists, educational programs for your staff, and the latest in respiratory technology. Aeris is committed to the finest quality care and reducing your health care expenses.
Treating sleep apnea cases is necessary not just to improve inmates’ sleep and breathing, but also to help avoid the onset of other diseases, which would increase an inmate’s health care usage costs. In 95% of suspected obstructive sleep apnea cases, a patient can be diagnosed and treated within the facility. Furthermore, as inmates age, a correctional facility might see an increasing number of them using CPAP machines and oxygen concentrators.
Why Outsource Your Sleep Apnea Consulting?
With so many correctional facilities operating on limited budgets, it’s easy to place medical equipment and staff needs on a lower priority. Sleep apnea problems, especially among older inmates, can become a much more serious concern, and it’s important to make sure that facilities have sufficient equipment and staffing, and that they can adjust to increasing or decreasing needs without full time staff.
Aeris offers an in-house solution that can save your facility thousands over transporting an inmate to another facility. Our testing program can reduce your risks and liability, as well as the turnaround time from diagnosis to treatment. We work within your budget to provide for your facilities’ needs. We also work to ensure that there is sufficient staff to handle health issues without additional costs.
All The Equipment, Training, and Staffing You Need.
Aeris offers a wide range of educational programs, RT staffing and technology to clients throughout the country. As specialists in the provision and management of all components used in the practice of respiratory care, we provide your facility with an “unbranded” respiratory care team designed to meet your facilities goals.
Our goal is to provide our partners with practical and cost-effective solutions while improving quality and outcomes. We want to seamlessly integrate with your facility, creating a strong respiratory care service line.
When you choose Aeris for a sleep apnea consulting study, we provide you with testing devices that are simple to use, with full instructions and 24/7 support. We offer cost effective CPAP, Auto-CPAP, and BiPAP devices, masks, tubing and other additional supplies. We also do it from a central location to save on costs.
We’ll ship you the study equipment, and our board certified sleep physician will interpret the results once you ship the devices back to us. We’ll take care to quickly provide the results of your study to address an inmate’s sleep apnea problems.
We also can send a respiratory or sleep therapist to your facility to help with setting up necessary testing equipment or manage a monthly sleep apnea clinic, saving you the cost and expenses of adding full time staff.
Requesting Sleep Apnea Consulting for Prisons
Sleep apnea consulting for prisons is just one of the many respiratory services we offer to correctional facilities.
Find out more about how Aeris Consulting can save your facility on costs while providing quality respiratory care and sleep apnea consulting for prisons. Contact us using this form today. We’d be happy to tell you more about our services.
Aeris Now Offers PPE Supplies in Bulk
Aeris does what we can to keep our clients safe during these trying times. We are currently offering PPE supplies in bulk to facilities we work with. Aeris is dedicated to providing large quantities of personal protective equipment to medical offices, skilled nursing facilities and surgical centers throughout the United States.
Our team sources top quality PPE products from around the world and warehouses them for direct distribution to medical facilities. Our parent company has contracts with over 100 facilities nationwide to provide respiratory supplies and PPE on a regular basis.
Take no chances and click here to contact the Aeris staff today for PPE supplies. We hope to help you move forward safely.
Respiratory Therapy for Pediatric Daycare Centers

Aeris Consulting can fulfill all of your needs in respiratory therapy for pediatric daycare centers. We respond to skilled care facilities’ needs throughout the United States, with staffing, equipment and management needs. We can help you meet your requirements and volume of patients, while increasing your profitability and marketability.
Dependability and flexibility could not be more important for a pediatric care facility, especially in the times we currently live in. Your facility needs to be able to meet rising demands quickly, while ensuring that there is sufficient on-call staff as needed. With as-needed consults, we can make all of the care practitioners available that you need to meet the healthcare needs of the children in your facility.
Whether your facility requires on-call respiratory therapists for skilled nursing, educational programs, patient assessments and monitoring, or equipment maintenance and repair, Aeris is your one stop respiratory consulting service. We can help your center achieve fixed costs, reduce overhead, and have the staff needed to handle any number of patients you have.
Respiratory Therapy for Pediatric Daycare Centers – Our Services
Our respiratory therapy services include:
Skilled Respiratory Therapists. We can help enhance your daycare center’s service capabilities and gain compliance with Federal Regulation §483.65, with our licensed Respiratory Therapists. Our RTs are available to provide patient assessments and monitoring along with fully staffed pulmonary programs, including tracheostomy, pulmonary resuscitation and ventilator programs.
Our skilled RTs help determine the best care for your patients. We work with your physicians to develop a treatment plan, and we help reduce hospital re-admissions and visits. Having our RTs on staff will enable your facility to admit patients with respiratory needs and be fully prepared.
Temporary Staffing. Aeris provides temporary staffing and caregivers for 13- and 26-week assignments. We help you handle an increasing amount of patients until you are able to find new full-time hires. Our on-call staffing service makes it possible to call in the trusted staffing you need quickly.
Equipment Maintenance. We can provide you with routine maintenance and periodic inspections, for oxygen concentrators and other respiratory related equipment. We can ensure that you have the necessary equipment to stay compliant with federal and state regulations. In addition, our biomedical repair service offers repairs and annual inspections.
Our respiratory therapy for pediatric daycare centers is available to your facility wherever you are in the U.S. We enable you to admit more daycare patients and grow your facility to the next level. Contact us today to find out more about our services.
Visit our News page to find out more about what makes Aeris Consulting your choice in respiratory and equipment services. To see more updates, company news, and advice for care facilities, follow us on Facebook!
Aeris Now Offers PPE Supplies in Bulk
In an effort to keep our clients safe, Aeris is offering PPE supplies in bulk to facilities we work with. Aeris is dedicated to providing large quantities of personal protective equipment to medical offices, skilled nursing facilities and surgical centers throughout the United States.
Our team sources top quality PPE products from around the world and warehouses them for direct distribution to medical facilities. Our parent company has contracts with over 100 facilities nationwide to provide respiratory supplies and PPE on a regular basis.
Take no chances and click here to contact the Aeris staff today for PPE supplies. We hope to help you move forward safely.
Respiratory Staffing Solutions for Nursing Homes

Aeris Consulting & Management, LLC, is where you can find all your necessary respiratory staffing solutions for nursing homes, wherever your facility is located in the United States. We can help expand your facility’s capability and capacity, while keeping your nursing home compliant with federal regulations. Our respiratory staff are ready to assist in helping you provide the best possible care for your patients.
At Aeris, we understand that one of your biggest challenges in operating a nursing home is sufficient staffing. You may need qualified respiratory care staff often at a moment’s notice, but in many cases it’s not feasible to maintain full-time caregivers on your payroll. It’s always a challenge to find the right people for the task when you need them, especially as your facility is taking in more patients and expanding.
We maintain a staff of highly skilled respiratory therapists that are experienced in multiple respiratory care areas, including patient assessments and monitoring, pulmonary and ventilator programs, tracheostomy needs, and progressive lung diseases. Our RTs can help to determine the best plans for caring for your patients, and your facility will be able to admit more patients as needed and reduce re-admissions.
Aeris Consulting & Management, LLC is led by Edwin C. Frost, RRT. Mr. Frost has been a Registered Respiratory Therapist since 1992. In addition to managing successful long term and acute care respiratory care programs, Mr. Frost served on the faculty at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey and Independence University in California. He has served as the National Director of Operations for 23 sleep related breathing disorder clinics across the country, and as the Mid-West Director of Sales and Marketing for the third largest independent education company in the United States.
Respiratory Staffing Solutions for Nursing Homes – Our Services
We offer multiple ways of meeting your nursing home respiratory staffing needs:
Temporary Contract Staffing. If your facility experiences gaps between part-time and full-time hires, we can provide your needed interim respiratory care experts on a 13- to 26-week basis.
Supplemental Staffing. Do you need to call in trusted staffing at a moment’s notice? Use Aeris’s on-call staffing service and rely on our proven personnel for the task.
Full Respiratory Care Department Outsourcing. Aeris Consulting can manage your respiratory care department as needed. We can help your facility achieve fixed costs, reduce your overhead, reduce your personnel management, and maintain sufficient staffing.
Respiratory Management Consulting. We can help you with all of the aspects of hiring, scheduling, training and retaining of high quality respiratory care staff.
We are a nationwide source for quality and dependable respiratory staffing solutions for nursing homes. With Aeris and our first class staff of RTs on your team, your facility can care for more patients. As a result, you’ll also gain market share in your region.
If you’d like to find out more about our respiratory staffing services, click here to contact us today!
Aeris Consulting & Management is here to meet all of your outsourcing needs. Our mission is to help you meet the demands of respiratory staffing solutions for nursing homes while remaining a profitable company. We also offer equipment rentals and maintenance, ventilator management, licensed RT consults and more. We can help keep your nursing home operations running smoothly, and help you to offer the best possible care.
Aeris Now Offers PPE Supplies in Bulk
In an effort to keep our clients safe, Aeris is offering PPE supplies in bulk to facilities we work with. Aeris is dedicated to providing large quantities of personal protective equipment to medical offices, skilled nursing facilities and surgical centers throughout the United States.
Our team sources top quality PPE products from around the world and warehouses them for direct distribution to medical facilities. Our parent company has contracts with over 100 facilities nationwide to provide respiratory supplies and PPE on a regular basis.
Take no chances and click here to contact the Aeris staff today for PPE supplies. We hope to help you move forward safely.
Respiratory Therapy Equipment Suppliers for Assisted Living Centers

Aeris Consulting & Management, LLC, is here to meet your needs when it comes to respiratory therapy equipment suppliers for assisted living centers. Our goal is to provide assisted living facilities with the services and equipment they need to offer quality care while keeping costs down. We help facilities throughout the nation cater to their residents’ needs and do so profitably.
Managing an assisted living centers is an every day challenge, especially when it comes to providing the equipment needed to meet day to day demand. Assisted living centers will always have a need for respiratory equipment that is both functioning properly and compliant with federal and state regulations. Residents, especially in the age of COVID, can be struggling with any number of respiratory ailments, including asthma, COPD and infections.
In order to meet the demand and accept more residents, your facility must have the ability to provide equipment as needed without delays. With the equipment in place and ready as needed, an assisted living center can more easily gain market share.
Aeris Consulting & Management offers respiratory equipment through same day delivery in your region. We also offer in house consignment programs, for oxygen concentrators, ventilators and other equipment. Aeris helps you and your staff to focus on offering quality care and admitting new residents. We take the time to ensure that all of your medical equipment and supplies are biomedically inspected each year. Our services ensure your residents can breathe easier and live more comfortably.
Aeris Services – Respiratory Therapy Equipment Suppliers for Assisted Living Centers
We offer inspection and maintenance services for your respiratory equipment as well, including:
- Inspecting equipment currently owned by your facility
- Compliance and regulatory needs in equipment changes
- Annual biomedical inspections
Do you have a need concentrators, ventilators, or any other types of respiratory equipment? Aeris can provide the equipment you need when you need it.
Stop delaying admissions and care while waiting for your necessary equipment to arrive. Let Aeris Consulting & Management be your solution for respiratory therapy equipment suppliers for assisted living centers. We can ensure that your facility has compliant equipment on hand to meet your residents’ needs and stay profitable. Wherever you are in the United States, reach out to us.
Aeris Consulting offers solutions for assisted living centers and nursing homes throughout the United States. We provide for all of your needs when it comes to temporary and routine staffing, ventilator management programs, equipment supplies and maintenance, and more. We help you to effectively meet the ever-changing demands of operating an assisted living centers while remaining profitable.
Click here to find out more about our respiratory equipment sales and rentals for assisted living centers.
Aeris Now Offers PPE Supplies in Bulk
To keep our clients safe during these trying times, Aeris is offering PPE supplies in bulk to our facilities. Aeris is dedicated to providing large quantities of personal protective equipment to medical offices, skilled nursing facilities and surgical centers throughout the United States.
Our team sources top quality PPE products from around the world and warehouses them for direct distribution to medical facilities. Our parent company has contracts with over 100 facilities nationwide to provide respiratory supplies and PPE on a regular basis.
Leave the equipment management to us and click here to contact the Aeris staff today for PPE supplies. We hope to help you move forward safely.
NJ Ventilator Management Company

Let Aeris Consulting be the answer to your search for a NJ ventilator management company. We are a professional and experienced healthcare provider, and we specialize in respiratory and sleep care for various healthcare facilities and correctional facilities. We offer a wide range of educational programs, RT staffing and technology to skilled nursing facilities and sub-acute rehabilitation facilities. Our aid in healthcare reaches clients throughout the country with an available team able to provide services anywhere nationally.
No matter the location, a patient is a patient, and facilities devoted to their care deserve the best equipment to match their best efforts. Healthcare providers need to turn to a reliable and consistent source for high quality machines that will benefit those they are caring for. They also need to be able to respond to rising demand, especially in these times.
The Aeris Management Difference
Our company specializes in the provision and management of all components used in the practice of respiratory care. We aim to bring relief to those who live with the struggle of respiratory issues by accessing respiratory programs and making them better. No matter where your facility stands, we can offer cost savings and improve clinical outcomes, or we can help you build a program from scratch.
Not only are we a NJ ventilator management company, we are also a full service biomedical repair service. We are available for repairs and yearly inspections. Our team can provide maintenance for your facility owned oxygen concentrators and other respiratory related equipment. We perform routine equipment changes to stay compliant with federal and state regulations.
Our Ventilator Management Services For NJ Healthcare Facilities
Aeris is an expert in the provision of all aspects of respiratory care, including:
- Post acute respiratory care
- Acute care consulting
- In facility sleep and holter testing
- Disposables supplies
We remain dedicated at all times to the highest quality of patient care and to helping facilities reduce costs and re-admissions.
Reach out to Aeris today and tell us about your ventilator management needs. We’ll be happy to tell you more about how you can meet demand and service your patients.
Aeris Now Offers PPE Supplies in Bulk
In an effort to keep our clients safe during these trying times, Aeris is offering PPE supplies in bulk to facilities we work with. Aeris is dedicated to providing large quantities of personal protective equipment to medical offices, skilled nursing facilities and surgical centers throughout the United States.
Our team sources top quality PPE products from around the world and warehouses them for direct distribution to medical facilities. Our parent company has contracts with over 100 facilities nationwide to provide respiratory supplies and PPE on a regular basis.
Take no chances and click here to contact the Aeris staff today for PPE supplies. We hope to help you move forward safely.
About Aeris Consulting A NJ Ventilator Management Company
Aeris Consulting is a nationwide company that specializes in the provision and management of components for respiratory care. Our services include: Respiratory Program Development, Facility-based education and training, equipment sales and rentals, admissions and more. We have the ability to serve your respiratory care needs, wherever you are in the United States.
Demand for respiratory services is rising…click here to read about why and how your facility can be prepared.