Demand For Respiratory Therapy Services Is Rising

There always has been a need for qualified respiratory therapists, but in the current healthcare environment, demand for respiratory therapy services is rising. As a result, respiratory therapy companies are providing an important service in a field where there is significant turnover, unpredictability of need, and challenges managing the bottom line.
In a recent study cited in this article from the American Association for Respiratory Care, the Bureau of Labor Statistics states that employment of respiratory therapists from 2016 to 2026 is projected to grow by as much as 23%, much higher than average for other occupations.
As the article points out, this appears to be in contrast with a Fox Business report that stated that the #2 occupation on the list of “Fastest Disappearing Jobs In The U.S.” is “Respiratory Therapy Technician”. In fact, this is a result of a) a “Respiratory Therapy Technician” is not the same as a “Respiratory Therapist”; and b) the result of the technician designation being eliminated by the National Board for Respiratory Care in 1999.
The Actual Reason Demand For Respiratory Therapy Services Is Rising
In reality, demand for respiratory therapy services is rising as a result of an aging population in the United States. People are living longer, and as better healthcare results in fewer fatalities, aging citizens occupying nursing homes and hospitals require quality respiratory care. Nursing facilities may be required to handle more patients and residents, and need to be equipped to handle the workload and to scale up or down as needed, such as when cold seasons arrive.
Moreover, the respiratory therapist occupation requires education and skills to adapt to changing environments and equipment. Skilled respiratory therapists are an absolutely vital part of nursing homes and other healthcare institutions, to provide quality patient care.
For nursing homes, often one of the bigger challenges is to be sufficiently staffed with qualified therapists. You may be dealing with an increase in patients that is temporary, or you may be growing as a result of a strong word-of-mouth reputation.
At Aeris Consulting, one of our specialties is assisting your facility in providing top quality respiratory care. We provide temporary and supplemental staffing for 13 to 26 week assignments, or complete management of your respiratory department. As your need for qualified respiratory therapists continues to grow, we can help you achieve fixed costs, reduce your overhead, and always be staffed and ready for your patient population.
Click here to read the article regarding the growing need for respiratory therapists, and contact us today to find out how you can meet this growing need in your facility.